A Couple of Special Offers!!

Hey everyone!
I don't have a card to share today..don't worry I have LOTS of ideas swirling in my head!  Just been busy with other projects, which I will share with you next week. (They're pretty cool!!!)

But! I wanted to share a couple of awesome offers from some of my favorite companies!  Just so happens, I'm also on their design teams :)  Lucky me!!

First up is Sami Stamps!
What an awesome deal!  Why wouldn't you enter for the chance to win 15% off every purchase!?  Sami always has the best images in her release (believe me...I've seen next weeks..and wowzers!!)  If you're anything like me, browsing amazing images AND having a discount is like the perfect recipe to empty my bank account :) 

So YES!  Go spend some money so you're entered to win this awesome prize!!  Here are her shop links:
Sami Stamps Blog/Shop
Sami Stamp Etsy Shop

And to help further convince you...here are a few of my favorite Sami Stamps cards that I've made:

And for my second enabler message!

A 50% off sale!!??  Woot!  Meljen's Designs is another all time favorite stamp company of mine!  Again, you can never go wrong with having a nice large collection of Meljen's Designs images!  Plus, I have never not found an image to go with whatever design or theme I'm trying to work with.

I honestly don't know how you will choose what images you want!  Heck, buy them all!  They're 50% off!

Here, let me know show you some of their awesome images too:

Ok!  Long post, I know.  But I couldn't just let the days go by without telling you of these sweet deals!  Have to make sure you're well supplied on images :)

Oh!  And on a side note-not related to cards/images at all-my hubby's next game comes out on Tuesday!!!  The reviews have started to come in and they are amazing!  This game is going to totally rock!  So if you know a gamer, be sure to tell them about Far Cry 4!!!

Thanks for visiting and have an absolutely fabulous weekend!!!!  <3

1 comment:

  1. Emily, thanks for sharing all of these wonderful creations! A few of them I have seen, but most of them I have not! Really gorgeous inspiration!! HUGS
